Welcome to our Target Pistol Coaching website.
Our website has gone through some
changes, hopefully for the better, with information being available that
and overseas participants are able to access via downloadable PDF
on any subject matter available throughout this site. Most previous and new
articles are attached to main headings and can be accessed through the
drop-down menu's.
In addition, we will be delivering a Newsletter as we gather more articles and information. A subscription page is available, simply fill in the relevant details to get on the mailing list.
It has been a difficult task, over many years, to ensure this dissemination of any information is spread through websites, emails, newsletters or social media, but we cannot be sure that the information is reaching the mainstream population within our shooting fraternity.
We do hope that the “new look” coaching committee within our sport, finds the time to rectify this problem and offer solutions.
Some members are regular shooters who simply wish to enjoy pistol shooting for what it is and are not too concerned with setting world class scores. However, some athletes may wish to improve to a higher level and will dedicate many hours to achieve this, but may be thwarted by the very slow progress they may be making under the guidance of a coach.
Hence it seems sometimes, even the better coaches, cannot hold these athletes, and they seek a "fast track" approach of gaining more points by changing coaches continuously and altering training programmes, simply to gain a very short term score improvement.
It is imperative athletes in our sport realise that it is a slow process to improvement and sometimes a change of coaching ideas may give an athlete a few more points in the short term, but long term, may still find themselves seeking that "magic bullet" to give them a top score.
Perseverance is required here to achieve good scores, plus an understanding of how to utilize training programmes over a long period to gain the necessary points in overall performances.
The application of these programmes is at times “boring” with the likes of simply holding, dry firing, trigger flexes etc, but when put into perspective of swimmers, who spend hours simply going up and down a pool’s length perfecting their technique, our training is variable, but how that is utilized is entirely up to the athlete’s willingness to persevere......
Several of these articles are covered in our E-Book. For a copy of this E-Book, go to the next page and fill in your order.
So, please enjoy these articles and we hope you gain information from what has been written here.
If you have any questions regarding training etc, please make contact us through the Book Sales page return email. Either myself or a fellow coach will help with your inquiry.
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