Recently I scanned a
couple of random targets from the range and wondered if the shooter
noticed the cause of the “bad” shots. I tracked the shooter down and
started the interrogation. The shooters hold was reasonable this day and
did not notice any real tremor or movement to account for the wide
What was apparent to
the shooter, was there seemed to be body sway which may have accounted
for the wider than normal shots. If the sights were still aligned and
the sway caused movement out of the general holding area, then the
shooter would have seen this due to the relationship between sights and
target. Even though the target is “blurred” due to total focus on the
front sight, the apparent movement would have been noticeable hence the
shooter should have cancelled the shot.
Diagram 1 shows the
shooters holding area around the size of the 9 ring with an indication
of the “spot” that would yield a central 10, given the trigger is
pressed correctly and all things work well. Diagrams 2, 4, & 6 show
the sights being out of the shooters normal holding area but still
aligned. This would have been an indicator for the shooter to cancel the
But with further
“interrogation” the shooter spoke of those shots as not being as smooth
as the rest..........ah, ha! A light bulb moment! Not being as “smooth”
as the others, could have been trigger related and perhaps the shooter
may not have seen what the sights did as the shot broke which could lead
to not really "seeing sights" through the shot.
Seeing the sights up
until the shot is about to break and then after shot
release..........not seeing the actual shot break, is a common
occurrence amongst shooters and can be identified by the inability to
“call” shots. A possible remedy would be to extend the follow through
time after the shot has gone off, continuing to see sights and trigger
Diagrams 3, 5 & 7
may show what really happened on those shots. We cannot answer that
question by simply sitting back here scanning targets, only the shooter
can answer these questions. But as coaches we need to ask questions so
the shooter understands the alternative and the possible real reason for
some stray shots.